The Best Way to Make your Content go Viral in 2022

Using the right strategies and tactics, you can make your content go viral, but keep in mind that not all content will go viral – there’s no magic formula. The most effective way to start making your content go viral is to write about topics that people are already talking about – or at least should be talking about or topics which are trending (use Google trends).

It’s also important to create content on topics that you are passionate about, and make sure you always put the focus on delivering value to the reader rather than pushing your products or services. And of course, make sure you promote your content effectively!

Even if one of your blog post or article goes viral, it can generate a huge income. Not only income, the web traffic on your blog will also increase resulting in many users and subscribers bookmarking your website. Below, are some of the tips which can make your content go viral, I have implemented most of the tips in my blog posts.

Increase the length of your blog posts

(50+) The perfect length for a viral post is longer than you might think. Many people assume that long-form posts with multiple images do well because they provide great value for readers, but there’s more to it than that. It turns out that posts with more words tend to do better—even if those words are completely unrelated and don’t add any value. If you want your post to reach millions of people, you need enough words so that Google thinks it’s authoritative and valuable (aka rich snippets). Sure, shorter posts can be fantastic too—but if you want true virality, put some serious work into making a long one.

As per SEO experts, experienced bloggers and market leaders, a blog should at least contain 1000 – 1200 words. So, please ensure you right unique and rich content for at least 1000 words or more.

Change one word per sentence

Write one sentence describing your plan to reach as many readers as possible. Take each word of that sentence and replace it with a synonym for go viral or be viral. Examples:

Write one sentence describing how you’re going to transform a portion of the population into passionate fans, customers, or voters. Take each word of that sentence and replace it with a synonym for transform or transformative. Examples:

Write one sentence describing how you’re going to turn something out of nothing into something valuable—how you’ll add enough value that people are eager and willing participants in helping spread your message. Take each word of that sentence and replace it with a synonym for create, turn, or build.

Also, one important thing is non-repetitive words.  Do not start any sentence with repetitive words.  Everyone have habit of repeating words, please avoid this!

Make headlines 10% longer

Shorter headlines are easier to skim, which is a perk when you’re trying to get someone’s attention. However, shorter headlines also reduce how much time people spend on your page. Longer headlines make for better user experience and can attract more visitors; therefore, it’s worth making them 10% longer by adding a few more words or details.

Shorter headlines are easier to skim, which is a perk when you’re trying to get someone’s attention. However, shorter headlines also reduce how much time people spend on your page. Longer headlines make for better user experience and can attract more visitors; therefore, it’s worth making them 10% longer by adding a few more words or details.

The last thing on headlines, ensure headlines are in bold. Moreover, make sure headlines font is different and uniform in your blogs.

Include more lists

Lists work well on social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter. People love sharing lists with their friends, and you can also ask people to include your posts in their own. It makes it easier for them share (and increases engagement) when they don’t have to rewrite everything out. 

If you’re creating a list, try to stick with 3-5 items per list so they don’t get too long or too short.

Write less about yourself

Content marketers are often told that blogging is an effective way to gain traffic and build a loyal following, but posting about yourself isn’t necessary for creating valuable, viral-worthy content. On Twitter, data suggests that people find Tweets about other people 70% more engaging than posts about brands or products. And on Facebook, 79% of consumers say they’re more likely to notice adverts about brands if they include an image of a person rather than a product or logo. So if you want your content to go viral on social media, don’t forget your audience: focus less on yourself and more on others.

But, do write little about yourself in every blog which you write. At least 1 or 2 sentences as to what you do and why people should read your blogs.

Leave gaps in between paragraphs

Readers love white space. Not only does it improve readability and generally look better, but it also encourages them to take breaks from reading and allow their eyes a moment of rest. Creating more readable content is great for SEO too—you want Google’s bots to have an easy time scanning through your text, after all.

If you leave some gaps, they’ll be that much more likely to pick up on all of your keywords, helping you rank higher in search results and drive more traffic to your website.

Finally, white space can also help make long reads appear shorter—allowing you to say more while retaining readership.

Add Conclusion or Final words at the end of each blog

I have a habit of summarizing the blog at the end. Many readers either read the first part of the blog or will read the end part of the blog. Even I do the same! This is the reason why I complete the blog by a “conclusion”, “final words” or “final remarks”. In this part I provide a short summary to the reader on how this blog will help them and why you should read the complete blog.

This will create curiosity in most of the readers at least 10% of the readers will actually read the entire blog. The last part should not be very lengthy, just 3-4 sentences. Make it short and sweet.

Only share content from other blogs on Sundays

One of those well-known marketing tactics from a few years ago is worth revisiting. Content doesn’t spread on its own, so it’s up to you and your company (or agency) to do everything you can to help it get into as many hands as possible. One of the most effective ways we’ve found for doing that is promoting the content by only sharing it via social media platforms on Sundays.

It’s nothing revolutionary: The majority of people look at their Facebook newsfeeds on Monday morning after waking up, so it just makes sense that you want your new post sitting there waiting for them when they open their account back up again.

Don’t read any social media for an hour after publishing a blog

Social media is a great way to get your business and website in front of a massive audience. However, if you’re constantly checking every social network after publishing new content, it’s easy for you or someone else on your team to get distracted and lose focus.

When it comes time for you or someone else on your team to promote that piece of content, that person could miss out on valuable opportunities because they were too busy looking at likes and comments instead of moving forward with new marketing efforts.

Additionally, those social networks keep us from focusing on other important things, like paying attention during conversations with our family members and friends.

Add large text boxes to blog posts containing no words, only images

Add a large text box with no words that only contains an image to all of your posts. These will be seen as click-bait by users, thus increasing shares and giving your post exposure. The added benefit is these text boxes take up space without requiring you to write any more words, helping you meet your quota.

Another technique involves adding an image where there was previously none, followed by a giant X overlayed across it. Doing so will help give an illusion of new information, whereas in reality it’s simply a repeat of old information.

One can check out Pixabay or Pexels for getting images for free. In a single post, there should be at least 3-4 images; this will make your post more attractive and interactive. Images should be of medium sizes. Don’t change it to thumbnail size, it may not be visible from the laptop or Tab’s Also don’t enlarge it, it make look very huge if people are reading your blog from smartphones or through some small portable devices.

Final Words

Making a viral blog is not a rocket science, provided you follow the above steps and tips. Please make a note, only unique, rich and legit content goes viral, so please do not publish a copied post.


How do you go viral in 2022?

1. Increase the length of your posts.
2. Make stronger headlines.
3. Include images, audio and video files.
4. Include lists.
5. Leave gaps in between paragraphs.
6. Add conclusion or final remarks.
7. Promote blogs on Social media.

How do you go viral on Instagram 2022?
1. Find Viral Content.
2. Participate In Trends.
3. Post Quality Content.
4. Join Challenges.
5. Visit Famous Locations On Instagram.
6. Post Behind The Scene Content.
7. Post Instagram Reels.
8. Post When Your Audience Is Active.

How do you go viral on twitter 2022?
1. Host a Giveaway. One of the best ways to make your tweets go viral is to run a Twitter giveaway.
2. Ask for Retweets.
3. Perfectly Time Your Tweets.
4. Write Engaging Headlines.
5. Tweet More Links.
6. Use Hashtags to Go Viral on Twitter.
7. Tweet Newsworthy Topics.
8. Inject Humor into Your Tweets.

How do I make my content go viral?

1 Use sleek visuals to increase audience engagement.
2 Create interactive and personalized content.
3 Produce well-researched longform content.
4 Evoke high-arousal emotions.
5 Know your audience well.
6 Get influencers to promote your content.

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