Earning online money has become a new trend in today’s world. Every second person wants to earn online money to have some kind of side income, which can be beneficial during emergencies. There are many ways and methods through which one can earn online money. Some write blogs, some do affiliate marketing, few people start their own online store or business for selling digital products and some do network and social marketing.
Best way to make money online is always a debate, which will never end. Easy ways to make money from home are very few and limited. In this blog, i will be focusing on some of the online and easy ways to make money online. Below. i have listed some of the online website wherein you can earn at least 1200 INR or close to $20 per day or more than that. You just have to register and confirm your email id.
There are online games, online tasks, online surveys, paid reviews and many more. Below are some sites through which can you can become a part-time earner and earn quick money.
Become a Millionaire
Sell a simple service
Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services. Founded in 2010 and based in Tel Aviv, Israel, the company provides a platform for freelancers to offer services to customers worldwide. In year 2019, fiverr was the best freelancer website. There are multiple projects in fiverr, if you are good in web development, you can create or manage a website project available in fiverr and for that you get paid. Web development is just an example. There are millions of project with different skills.
Create and sell your own online courses
Udemy is an American online learning platform aimed at professional adults and students, developed in May 2010. As of Jan 2020, the platform has more than 50 million students and 57,000 instructors teaching courses in over 65 languages. There have been over 295 million course enrollments. Students and instructors come from 190+ countries and 2/3 of students are located outside of the U.S. Udemy also has over 5,000 enterprise customers and 80% of Fortune 100 companies use Udemy for employee upskilling. One can create its own training video through udemy and give trainings to students who are in need, in return you get paid. Once you become a professional instructure, you can earn more than $100 per day.
Make money by watching videos
Earnhoney is a fun place to earn online rewards. One can take surveys to earn rewards, play games to earn rewards. EarnHoney.com operates a rewards network which offers multiple ways to earn virtual currency called HoneyDollar$. Earn at your own pace and then redeem your HoneyDollar$ for free reward items in the Gifts Store. There are many other ways to win HoneyDollar$ as well.
Get paid for testing websites
Get paid to test websites. Start helping companies to improve their websites on desktops, tablet and mobile devices. Sign up today and become a tester.
Get paid as a virtual assistant
Similar to fiverr, it is a global freelancing platform where businesses and independent professionals connect and collaborate remotely. In 2015, Elance-oDesk was rebranded as Upwork. It is based in Santa Clara and San Francisco, California. The full name is Upwork Global Inc. Upwork has twelve million registered freelancers and five million registered clients. Three million jobs are posted annually, worth a total of US$1 billion, making it the largest freelancer marketplace in the world.
Earn $20+/ hour to tutor students online
Chegg, Inc, known as Chegg, is an American education technology company based in Santa Clara, California, with over three million subscribers.
Chegg provides digital and physical textbook rentals, online tutoring, and other student services. If you become a tutor in Chegg, you can earn up to $20+/hour. Top tutors can earn up to $2000+/month.
Do simple jobs for Amazon with Mturk
Amazon Mechanical Turk is a crowdsourcing website for businesses to hire remotely located “crowdworkers” to perform discrete on-demand tasks that computers are currently unable to do. It is operated under Amazon Web Services, and is owned by Amazon.
If you want to know more about mturk, i have written a complete blog on mturk. Check out the blog here.
if you want to become a Millionaire, play online Casino Games provided by Casino rewards, i have written 2 blogs on Casino Game, do check my website.
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