The trend has changed, now people love watching videos which are short and crisp, in fact very short. Videos which are less than one minute in length are in great demand in across all countries.
This the reason why Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, TikTok, Facebook Stories and Google Web stories are so famous these days. Gone are the days when people used to watch videos which were more than one hour in length, most of the impatient users used to fast forward these video as they can’t wait to see the results or conclusion in a video which is so lengthy.
In short videos, you can expect some kind of results in seconds. Moreover it saves a lot of time, in five minutes you can watch at least 10 short videos. Many advertiser and marketers are going with short videos to promote their products and services and are successful.
At present in the short videos market, there are two platforms which are dominating. The first one is YouTube Shorts and the other is Instagram Reels. Ofcourse TikTok, Facebook stories and Google Web Stories are the other three platforms, but Web stories are relatively new to the market whereas TikTok is banned in some countries like India, and Facebook reels and stories are not that popular.
People are minting a lot of money from these short videos, especially through affiliate marketing by promoting their affiliate product in the short videos.
Let us compare Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts, which one is a betting earning short video platform.

What is Instagram Reels?
In August 2020, Instagram launched a new feature called “Reels”. This feature is similar to TikTok.
Reels are short, entertaining video on Instagram, where one can express your creativity and bring your brand to life. You can express your feelings, emotions and passion through these short videos which are called Instagram Reels.
Instagram Reels are basically 30 seconds clip, where you can add music, songs and effects, share it with your friends and social community. These videos can be created with any smart phone, be it an android or an iPhone or a Windows phone.
Creating an Instagram Reels is very simple; you do not need any guidance or expertise.
1. Launch the Reel Feature from the Instagram App by pressing the “+” on the top of the window
2. Record your video, you may add sound or music or effects to make it more interactive and attractive.
3. Click on review and click on next, and share it.
4. Before sharing you can add your affiliate links, or hashtags or write anything you like.
That’s it your Instagram reels is ready and published.

What is YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts is a short-form video-sharing platform offered by YouTube. The platform hosts user content much like YouTube’s primary service, but like YouTube where you having hours of video, in Shorts your video is limited to only 60 seconds.
YouTube Shorts were officially released worldwide in July 2021.
Similar to Instagram Reels, creating YouTube Shorts videos is very easy.
1. Sign in with your YouTube id or google Id into your YouTube App.
2. Press “+” and press create a short to make a short video.
3. By default you can record a video of 15 seconds, if you want to create video of 60 seconds press on the digit 15. Record the video; add sound, music or any effect which you may like.
4. Once the video is recorded, press on next. Write caption, you may also add hashtags, affiliate links or any relevant keywords. You also have an option to set the visibility, either you can keep it is Private or Public.
5. The final step is to just press upload shorts, that’s it your YouTube Short Video is ready.
Difference between YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels
Instagram Reels are 30 second video whereas YouTube Shorts can be maximum of 60 seconds, though you get an option to record for 15 seconds as well.
You will get enhanced options for special effects in Instagram reels, this is missing in YouTube Shorts.
The number of users on Instagram is more as it is old app if you compare it with YouTube Shorts, which is relatively new.
Instagram’s sticker functions have been widely used by brands across the globe. Unfortunately this function is missing in YouTube Shorts.
The graphical user interface of both the platform is awesome, but Instagram’s GUI is simpler, interactive and easy to use as compared to YouTube Shorts.
For creating a YouTube Shorts video you need to have your own YouTube Channel, this the first prerequisite whereas to create an Instagram reel you just need your Instagram account or Facebook account.
So which one is a better earning App?

Well, both platforms have a good potential if you use it wisely and seriously. But in terms of making money, Instagram has an upper hand since the user base is more, it can generate a good organic traffic and it is already an established platform since it is available from past couple of years.
YouTube Shorts will take at least more one year to establish its presence in every country. The only earning source in Shorts is through Google Adsense. Though you can use affiliate links in your shorts videos to have an alternate earning.
Final Words
Both platform are being used to make good earnings, some Youtubers are earning millions from Youtube Shorts video, the story same for Instagram. These are one of the best passive income source which one should look into it as there is no investment, its only time which one has to give.
To learn and earn online money and passive income, do check out my website and blogs.
Is it better to do a reel or video on instagram?
Reel videos are shorts and more popular, Videos not necessarily are short, some are very big and boring.
Does YouTube shorts give more views?
YouTube Shorts do generate more subscribers if you make them right, this is good for growing your YouTube Channel.
Why are Instagram reels better?
The primary benefit of Reels is brand awareness.
Do Instagrams reels have better quality?
Yes, Whenever you upload Instagram Reels, it is always in a better quality.